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How best to take care of your breasts.

It is of utmost importance to talk about how best to take care of your breasts, especially as they serve as a means of attracting a partner and as well as feeding babies. Boobs appear great in gowns but they are a delicate part of the body that can be prone to cancer, hence, the discussion on how best to take care of your breasts.

nude woman figurine
 Let us consider the following questions.
i.                    How regularly do you change your bra?
ii.                  When was the last time you took a breast self-examination?
iii.                Are you well informed about the changes your breasts undergo with age?

Your sincere answers to the above questions will broaden your horizon on how best to take care of your breasts. A consultant Gynecologist and unit head at Max Hospital, New Delhi, Dr. Uma Vaidyanathan said the care of the breasts is as important as the care for any other body parts.

Therefore, taking care of the boobs should be the priority of every woman and should be included in their daily health routine. So, it is important to have a care routine because this will minimize any health risks.

Here are a few tips on how best to take care of your breasts.
1.      A right-fitting bra is appropriate

Choosing a right-fitting bra is the first thing when it comes to how best to take care of your breasts. Ensure the bra is not too tight or too loose but fits perfectly. Besides, your comfort as a woman depends on wearing the right size and shape of the bra. It is advisable to desist from wearing a corset or body wear as this squish the breasts with pressure on the breasts muscles. You could read more on how to choose a right-fitting bra

2.      Proper hygiene of your breasts

When taking your bath, ensure you clean the whole area surrounding the boobs and other areas underneath the breasts. Since this area perspires, it increases the chances of infections, so, regular cleaning with soap and water is advisable. Also, make sure the area is kept dry; powder can be used to achieve this. You could visit a dermatologist for further counsel.

3.      Stop the use of breasts enhancement cream

The breast size and shape changes with age from puberty to pregnancy stage and even after menopause. So, the use of breast enhancement cream to increase the bust size should be stopped because it burns a hole in your pocket in the long run. The periods to expect changes in your breast size and shape include puberty, during the pregnancy period, during breastfeeding, when using birth control pills, during menstruation, and during menopause.

Excessive alcohol consumption increases the chances of breast cancer, the same as smoking. Several research works have shown that women who smoke and consume alcohol are liable to die from breast cancer. Hence, desist from alcohol and smoking to lower the risk of breast cancer. 

Alcohol consumption dries out the skin and hair making the breast feels heavy and bloated. Cigarette, on the other hand, reduces blood and oxygen flow to the skin which in the long run makes the breast wrinkle and sags.  

5.      Engage in regular physical activities

This will help to contribute to the overall well-being of the body. Do you know that fat cells produce Oestrogen and a high level of Oestrogen has been linked to certain cancers? So, working out will help shrink the size of the fat cells making it produce less Oestrogen. Therefore, moderate exercise helps to protect the breast and reduce the risk of breast cancer by 10-30 percent.

6.      A regular breast self-examination

This is a very important aspect of how best to take care of your breast. This exercise is recommended to be done every month after your periods. It is advisable to do it after the period because the breasts are lumpy and sore before the periods, and this can lead to misdiagnosis. Besides, the palm should be used and not the fingers. 

During the self-examination, the breast is being checked for any possible lumps or other forms of abnormalities while standing, lying in different positions or standing in front of the mirror.

The National Breast Cancer Foundation has recommended that women above age 20 should perform self-examination every month.

 A typical breast self-examination procedure

This can be done in the room or in the shower. Raise one of your arms above your head to expose your armpits. Now use the pads of your fingers to have a feel from the outer area to the inner area of your breast in a circular motion. Do not miss out on the part underneath the armpits. 

Look out for lumps, hardened or thickened knots. Visit your physician for a more thorough examination if you find any lump or a look alike.

How best to take care of your breast will afford you the opportunity of knowing the right thing to do and also doing it at the right time so as not to develop a fibrocystic breast disease or even cancer.

How best to take care of your breasts is a must-read for everyone as we all have the feminine figure around us. They could be your mothers, sisters, wives, aunts, nieces, daughters, friends, etc



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