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Stroke: Types, Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

Stroke, a medical emergency occurs as a result of the interruption of blood supply to a part of the brain. Knowing the symptoms, causes, and treatment for stroke will help to minimize its occurrence and manage its happenings.

The interruption of blood supply to a part of the brain denies the brain tissues the nutrients and oxygen they require. Within a short space of time, the brain cells begin to die. Prompt action can help to correct any damage it may cause.

Fortunately, fewer people die of stroke compared to the past. There are some symptoms to watch out for to take quick actions before it aggravates.

Types Of Stroke

There are three types of stroke;
i.                    Transient ischemic stroke
ii.                  Ischemic stroke
iii.                Hemorrhagic stroke

Transient Ischemic attack

This is also known as a ministroke. It occurs when there is a temporary blockage. It leaves no permanent damage but results in real stroke in one of every three persons that experienced it

Ischemic stroke

This type of stroke is said to have occurred where fatty build-up or a blood clot blocks an artery that supplies blood to the brain. This blockage can be in the skull or at the neck.

Hemorrhagic stroke

This occurs when a blood vessel ruptures and bleeds. This bleeding goes into the surrounding brain which compresses the brain tissue.

Symptoms Of Stroke

Communication disorder

This is also known as Aphasia, when the left part of the brain that controls language and speech is affected hence the victims is unable to communicate well and unable to understand what he/she hears


This is usually common among victims of stroke. It is also known as ‘hemiplegia. When the left hemisphere of a person’s brain is affected, the person will suffer paralysis on the right side of the body. Paralysis affects some or all the sides of the body. Such a person can have issues with the right leg, right hand, right part of the face at the same time.

Difficulty in movement

After a stroke occurs, the victim can find it hard getting along with movement activities such as walking, bending, and going around. This occurs because a stroke may damage the part of the brain that controls movement hence signals from the brain get scrambled and the muscles and mind may not work well together.

You may also feel unsteady on your feet. One may get tired quickly making you unable to carry out very few activities

Severe headache

Stroke is also associated with a severe headache. Where you notice an intense headache without a cause you can identify its most likely that you are having a stroke, someone might mistake it for migraine but know that migraine starts gradually then aggravates unlike the case of stroke, it happens suddenly.

Causes of stroke

This is a situation where the force of pull by the blood against the artery is very high for a long period. Where this occurs, the blood vessel that supplies blood to the brain can be weakened after which it can burst hence resulting in a hemorrhagic type of stroke.

Tobacco and its products

The presence of nicotine in tobacco increases the level of blood pressure. The smoke from a cigarette can thicken the blood making it likely to clot. The smoke also causes a fatty build up specifically at the neck artery.

There is a higher risk of mortality for victims who had a stroke as a result of an uncontrolled sugar level. Victims of diabetes are at higher risk of having a stroke compared to many other factors. This is because the excess sugar may contribute to the buildup of fat deposits inside the blood vessel responsible for supplying blood to the brain and neck.

Over time, these deposits may cause a total blockage in the blood vessel, stopping the blood flow to the brain hence the occurrence of a stroke


Research showed that people who stand the risk of having a stroke due to the intake of cocaine do so only within 24hours after the intake of this drug. Previous intake of cocaine does not contribute to the risk of having a stroke.


Obese people stand the risk of having an ischemic stroke caused by a lack of blood flow. This is due to the excess fatty tissue which can cause blockage hence preventing blood from flowing. Being overweight may not be directly linked to having a stroke but it is the root cause of the disease that results in a stroke. High blood pressure and diabetes are good examples.

Absence of the knowledge about the symptoms causes and treatment of stroke has reduced the life expectancy of many hence sending them to an early grave.  I have revealed the symptoms and causes of stroke, now let us unveil the treatments available for stroke.

Treatments of stroke

Intravenous injection of tissue plasminogen activator (TPA)

It is also known as alteplase. It is normally within three hours after a stroke occurs. It is given through a vein in the arm. This injection helps to dissolve blood clot causing blockage in the blood to the brain

Carotid endarterectomy

Use of antiplatelet drugs for example clopidogrel

Surgical repair of blood vessels

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