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Arthritis: Meaning, Types, Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

Arthritis is one of the challenges faced by all ages and could worsen over time if not given due attention hence the need for us to have a good knowledge of what arthritis is all about and how best to address it. In this article, I will make known the meaning, types, symptoms, causes, and treatments of arthritis.

Meaning Of Arthritis

Arthritis can be defined as the tenderness and swelling of the joints. It can also be said to mean an informal way of describing a joint disease or joint pain.

Over the years, arthritis has remained the main cause of disabilities, especially in America. This disease can occur at any age whether children or adults though it is more rampant in older people especially the female folks.

Symptoms associated with arthritis can be mild or moderate and could be severe in some other cases. These symptoms may come and go but sometimes remain for a couple of years and may even worsen.

There are different types of arthritis; some cause a permanent change in the joint while some other types damage the eyes, heart, skin, lungs, and kidneys.

Types Of Arthritis

This is an important body to be dwelt on when discussing the meaning, types, symptoms causes and treatment of arthritis. There are quite several arthritis, but I will be focusing on the commonest types of arthritis


This condition of arthritis is common to people than the other forms of arthritis. This condition is experienced when the joints are overused. It occurs as a result of injuries, age or obesity which puts more stress on the joints.

Joints like spine, knees, feet, and hips bear more weight and are more prone to be affected. This condition gradually builds up over the years causing the affected part to hurt.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

This is a condition known as autoimmune disease, meaning that the joints have been attacked by the immune system which results in inflammation and can cause severe damage to the joint.
About 2 of every 10 persons who are victims of rheumatoid arthritis usually have lumps on their skin known as rheumatoid nodules if the condition is not treated.

Psoriatic Arthritis

This condition of arthritis usually associated with psoriasis (inflammation of the skin). Inflammation the skin occurs where the immune system attacks cells in the body.
This type of arthritis affects the skin around the anus or genital area, scalp, navel and also tips of knees and elbows.


This condition can arise as a result of any of the following;

1. Where the body produces excess uric acid

2. Where the kidneys are unable to process the uric acid produced by the body perhaps due to kidney disease.

3. Where you consume more of foods that are capable of raising the uric acid in your body.
Where a joint contains a buildup of uric acid crystals, your big toe or any other part of your foot will be affected. The kidneys and joints can be affected where gout goes untreated for a long period.


Lupus is also known as systemic lupus erythematosus, an autoimmune disease that can affect many organs in the body.

Reports showed that the cause of Lupus is yet to be known but it was discovered by doctors that the immune system usually becomes ineffective in this condition instead of fighting the invaders of the body.

Symptoms Of Arthritis

This is another aspect we ought to take note of when discussing the meaning, types, symptoms, causes, and treatment of arthritis.
The symptoms of arthritis are usually determined by the type of arthritis involved but here are the commonest 

    1.    Stiffness of the joint

Among the many symptoms of arthritis, stiffness of the joint appears to be the commonest. The victim may require more effort to make regular movements and joints may become stiffer where there has been a long period of inactivity such as resting and sitting.
            2.   Swelling of the joint

Where there is a buildup of fluids in the soft tissue that surrounds the joint, it can cause the joints to swell.
            3.   Pains of the joint

Pains are one of the body signals indicating something is not right with the body. The body pains arising from arthritis can be either mild or severe. With the aid of medical evaluation, the type of arthritis can be discovered.
            4.   Deep aching 
            5.   Trouble squatting, combing of your hair, dressing up, gripping things or climbing stairs,
            6.   Morning stiffness that typically lasts less than 30 minutes
            7.   Experience pains when walking
            8.   There may be stiffness after resting
            9.   Your joint will be warm to touch.

Other Symptoms May Include;
       1.       Swollen and painful joints
       2.       Fatigue
       3.       Headache
       4.       Swelling around the eyes or in the hands, legs, feet, and legs
       5.       Rashes
       6.    Sores in the mouth
       7.       Sun sensitivity
       8.       Loss of hair.
       9.       White or blue toes and fingers when exposed to cold
       10.   Blood disorders, such as anemia
       11.   Chest pain, as a result of the inflammation of the lining of the lungs or heart.

Causes Of Arthritis  

1.   Overuse of the joints: This is a major cause of arthritis which can be a result of obesity where the joints are bearing overweight. It can also be due to age because as a person grows older, the joints tend to grow weaker unable to bear the usual weight it has always borne.

       2    Autoimmune system: Here the joints are being attacked by the immune system as it perceives it to be an invader in the body.

3      Healthy cells can also be perceived as an enemy by the immune system and therefore be attacked by it.

4      When the body produces excess uric acid.

        5    Where the kidneys are not able to process the uric acid produced by the body.
        6.    Where more of the foods that trigger the production of uric acid are consumed, these foods include; dietary foods such as meat fish, foods that contain very little energy, alcohol

Treatment Of Arthritis

   1.      Work on reducing your weight if you are obese

  2.     Consume a lot of water often at least six glasses during the daytime while a glass of water before bedtime.

   3.      Consume very little or no alcohol.

   4.      Avoid consuming foods that contain lots of fats.

   5.      Reduce the consumption of caffeine.
   6.      Visit your medical expert.


  Do not dare to joke or take any symptom for granted because it can go out of control if not put under check. With this article, I have been able to provide useful information on the meaning, types, symptoms, causes, and treatment of arthritis.

You can join the conversation by leaving us a comment, sharing your thoughts and experience on this subject matter. Thank you for reading.


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