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High Blood Pressure: Causes, Remedies, and Dangers.

Records of high blood pressure which is also known as hypertension is increasing rapidly in recent times. Usually, hypertension is attributed to older people of over 60years of age but it's now a disease found among youths.

woman having blood pressure monitor
High Blood Pressure: causes, remedies, and dangers.
 What is blood pressure?
This can be defined as the force that determines the movement of blood around or through our circulatory system. 

This force is important because it allows oxygen and nutrients to push through our circulatory system which helps in the nourishment of organs and tissues.

It also delivers antibodies and white blood cells for immunity. The contract of the heart with the heartbeat forces blood out thereby creating blood pressure.

What is high blood pressure?

 High blood pressure occurs when the blood pressure exceeds the level that is considered normal. When the blood pressure is high, it comes with no symptoms, It is, therefore, important to know the point at which the blood pressure is high so that necessary measures can be put into place.

Blood pressure is measured with two numbers in millimeters of mercury. The higher number represents the systolic pressure while the lower number represents the diastolic pressure.

The systolic pressure is the rate at which the heart pumps blood around the body while the diastolic pressure is the pressure that occurs in the arteries as a result of the heart resting between beats.

 The normal blood pressure is reading between 120/80mmHg and 139/89mmHg anything above it is termed ‘high’. A medical expert is in the position to tell the best blood pressure e in different circumstances.

Causes of high blood pressure.

Several factors contribute to the rise in blood pressure. Some of these factors are listed below.


Data showed that as a person increases in age, the systolic and diastolic blood pressure increases which makes blood pressure inevitable for all humans.

2.      Diet

 Excessive consumption of foods that are high in fats and salts can result in hypertension. 

Although certain fats such as omega oil, avocados, and olive oil, are good for consumption unlike the saturated and trans fats commonly used in processed foods which are dangerous to the health and cause a lot of damage than good.

          Excessive intake of alcohol

 This will increase the level of blood pressure, exposing the victim to various heart diseases such as irregular heartbeats, stroke.


When unpleasant circumstances weigh a person down for too long, it can cause damage to the blood vessels which could result in hypertension.


This is a placenta disorder in pregnant women that is capable of increasing the blood pressure levels abnormally.



This is an act that contributes to the healthiness of the body. Where the body is not exercised regularly or left in a state of inactivity, it can trigger the rise in the blood level.



    The nicotine in the smoke produced while smoking, causes the blood pressure to rise, increases the heart rate, hardens the wall of the arteries and narrows them. It also causes the blood to clot.

Remedies to high blood pressure

1.       Taking about 30minutes regularly exercise can help to lower the blood pressure levels.
2.       Consuming foods that are rich in whole grains, low in fats, vegetables, and fruits.
3.       Cutting down on alcohol intake.
4.       Reduction of stress
5.       Reduce the consumption of salt
6.       Desist from smoking
7.       Consume less of caffeine and sugar
8.       Work on reducing your weight where there is a need to do so. Take supplements like aged  garlic extract, fish oil, berberine, whey protein, hibiscus.
9.       Visit your medical expert regularly.

Dangers of high blood pressure

1.       Damaged arteries

There is an enlargement of a section of the wall of the arteries, forming a bulge known as an aneurysm. Also, the cells of the arteries are damaged.

2.       Result in a damaged heart

Uncontrolled hypertension cases will result in chest pain, heart attack because blood will not flow freely into the heart. 

The heart is forced to work beyond its expectation, therefore causing the left part of the heart to be enlarged. The heart muscle weakens and becomes ineffective.

3.      Brain damage 

The brain relies on the nourishing blood supplied by the heart to function properly. But once there is a problem with the heart, the brain is automatically affected and may result in

I.                    Stroke
When the brain suffers from nutrients required to function, some of the brain cells will die.

II.                  Dementia
A disease that arises from damage that has occurred in the brain. It affects the thinking, memory, speaking, vision, and movement of the victim.

4.       Damages the kidney

 The kidney is responsible for filtering excess waste and fluids in the blood. Blood vessels present in the kidney can be damaged and won't function as expected.

5.       Damage to the eyes

Blood vessels responsible for supplying blood to the eyes are delicate and can easily be damaged by high blood pressure.

6.       Lack of sleep

7.       Sleeping apnea: Where the throat muscles relaxe. It causes the victim to snore aloud

Since the symptoms of high blood pressure cannot be physically seen, it is therefore important that there should be regular checkups even when you feel healthy.


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